Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Table Is Set

The idea for this blog grew from a discussion about the possibility of writing a monthly food column for the newspaper for which Gregg works.

We thought since people think about, talk about, prepare, and consume food more frequently than on a monthly basis, a blog might be a swell sideline for extra foodie adventures throughout the month, be they making new recipes or old standbys, noshing fantastical meals at restaurants, and/or embarking on cooking adventures shared by the experienced and the neophyte.

GREGG: One of us has years of experience in the kitchen, cooking and baking thousands of recipes and dishes.

JESSICA: One of us is a rookie with a sharp knife.

GREGG: One of us prepares meals using local, seasonal, sustainably grown produce and high-quality ingredients whenever possible.

JESSICA: One of us has never been one to shy away from Totino's Pizza Rolls, Uncle Ben's Ready Rice, and Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks.

GREGG: One of us has lived a healthy, vegetarian lifestyle for the past 11 years.

JESSICA: And one of us knows the personalities at every fast food drive-thru within a 20-mile radius.

We're confident that, after reading only a few entries, you'll deduce who's who. And we hope you'll partake in our foodie blog adventures, to see what we're serving.

We'll be most pleased if you return for seconds.